- Install Jesse 2015-11-21
- Go thru the configuration
(Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration) - Under the System Tab:
- Expand the filesystem
- Change the pi password
- Change the Pi Hostname
- Don’t automatically login to ‘pi’ user
- Under the Interfaces Tab:
- Camera = Disable
- SSH = Enable
- SPI = Enable
- I2C = Enable
- Serial = Disable
- I don’t change anything under the Performance Tab
- Under the Localisation Tab:
- Change the locale to Canada (English)
- Set the Timezone to Canada (America) > Mountain (Edmonton)
- I’m still having a problem with changing the keyboard layout
- It is a noted problem on the Raspberry Pi Forum
- Still using sudo raspi-config to config to Canada > English
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo adduser robin
- sudo visudo to give robin the same rights as pi user
- sudo apt-get install arduino-mk
- sudo apt-get install arduino (add robin to dialout group)
- Make a link to the Arduino.mk file:
ln -s /usr/share/arduino/Arduino.mk ~/Arduino.mk - Copy the original avrdude.conf file into my home directory
- cp /etc/avrdude.conf ~/avrdude_gpio.conf
- Modify it to work with the GPIO pins
- nano ~/avrdude_gpio.conf
- Aff the following lines at the end of the file:
- # Linux GPIO configuration for avrdude
- # Change the lines below to the GPIO pins connected to the AVR
- programmer
- id = "pi_1";
- desc = "Use the Linux sysfs interface to bitbang GPIO lines";
- type = "linuxgpio";
- reset = 12;
- sck = 24;
- mosi = 23;
- miso = 18;
- ;
- With the Arduino connected to the Raspberry Pi, run the following line to make sure the Raspi can see the arduino:
sudo avrdude -p atmega328p -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf -c pi_1 -v - git clone https://github.com/robingreig/raspi-git
- cp -r ~/raspi-git/Python ~ (to copy the Python directory to my home)
- cp -r ~/raspi-git/Uno ~ (to copy the Uno directory to my home)
- Goto the .hex file @ ~/Uno/Serial/Voltages/build-uno/Voltages.hex & run:
sudo avrdude -p atmega328p -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf -c pi_1 -v -U flash:w:Voltages.hex:i - If you overwrite the bootloader, reload it by going to:
cd /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/optiboot/
and running the avrdude line with the optiboot_atmega328.hex file
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Avrdude 6.1
I just installed the latest version of Raspbian Jessie 2015-11-21 for my Pi 2's. I found that now when I installed the arduino package, it comes with avrdude 6.1. So I don't need to link to the adafruit repository anymore. Here is a list of the steps I take to install Jessie, Arduino, Arduino-mk, and check that I can communicate between the Arduino & Raspberry Pi 2 via Serial. You'll note that I clone my git repository where I keep all of my files as I'm working on them. I find this extremely useful since I'm working on the files on my Pi2 or Gertduino/PiB at home, or the same setup that I have at work:
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Raspberry Pi takes over the world
OK, if not the world, then 1 outlet at a time!!!
This is a pic of a single relay that is controlled by my Raspberry Pi.
Red = 5VDC, Black = Ground, White = Pin23 (active high)
And an old pc power cord split in 1/2 and a female end installed.
The Ground and Neutral leads feed straight through from the input to the output
The relay switches the hot lead and runs a battery charger drawing 5 Amps AC.
The relay is rated for 10A @ 277V
The Raspberry Pi runs off of my solar array at home and because I have so many items tied to them:
3 Raspberry Pi's
1 x 12V HP switch
1 x Kenwood HF Amateur Radio
1 x LDG Antenna Tuner
1 x Radio Shack HTX-242 VHF Amateur Radio
Most days I have enough solar energy to power all my devices.
However if I get several cloudy days together, the voltage can drop and my charge controllers shut down.
Then my Raspberry Pi's shut down...... And that makes me cranky.....
So I have an Arduino monitoring the battery voltage and sends that data via serial to the Raspi
If the battery voltage drops down too much due to lack of sunlight, the charger is turned on for a charge cycle (typically 6-8 hours), and then shuts off.
I plan on making quite a few of these for the many different 120VAC loads that I want to control from my Raspi.
Thanks for viewing;
Monday, December 7, 2015
Upgrade from Halogen to LED
So, what do you do when you want to change from the small halogen lamps to LED?
Problem is that many halogen power supplies are rated @ 12 VAC, and LED's require 12 VDC.
What I've done here is to add a bridge rectifier and 1000uF/35V Capacitor to a small adjustable power supply.
Packed it in a small Hammond case and works like a charm!!!
I can feed this from the halogen supply with AC, and adjust it to deliver clean 12VDC to my LED's
I've got a customer with quite a few of these lites in all of their bathrooms, etc and it is very difficult to get at the halogen power supply.
So I can simply add this inline at the beginning of the lamp string(s), and presto! even more energy efficient lighting!!!
Thanks for viewing,
Friday, December 4, 2015
Raspberry Pi & Arduino talking nicely!!!
This is a picture of success!!!
Once again many thanks have to go out to Tony DiCola of Adafruit for publishing his most AWESOME tutorial on Programming an Arduino using the Raspberry Pi GPIO
This enabled me to upgrade to Avrdude 6.1 from the Adafruit Repository and then program the Arduino thru the ICSP header from the GPIO pins.
.... And the bonus is that I can leave my serial connection from the Raspi to the Arduino connected while the programming is taking place!!!!!
So follow his steps to download the new version of Avrdude to your Raspi and hook up the pins from the GPIO header to the Arduino ICSP header.
Test run the program to ensure it can see the Arduino and you're off!
You need to directly upload a .hex file using Avrdude, so the Arduino IDE will do the converting/building for you from .ino to .hex.
I've been using Arduino-mk to upload my .ino sketches (since I like using the command line), so now I just use Arduino-mk to make the sketches, and Avrudude61 to upload them.
The following steps outline Tony's process:
Step 1 - Add the Adafruit repository to the Raspi list using the command:
curl -sLS https://apt.adafruit.com/add | sudo bash
Step 2 - Install the new version of Avrdude by running the following:
sudo apt-get install avrdude
Step 3 - copy the /etc/avrdude.conf file to my home directory and rename it ~/avrdude_gpio.conf
Step 4 - add the following test to the end of the .conf file in my directory:
# Linux GPIO configuration for avrdude
# Change the lines below to the GPIO pins connected to the AVR.
id = "pi_1";
desc = "Use the Linux sysfs interface to bitbang GPIO lines";
type = "linuxgpio";
reset = 12;
sck = 24;
mosi = 23;
miso = 18;
Step 5 - run the following command to confirm connection to the Arduino:
sudo avrdude -p atmega328p -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf -c pi_1 -v
Step 6 - Once successful, goto a directory with the .hex file you want to upload to the Arduino and run the following command:
sudo avrdude -p atmega328p -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf -c pi_1 -v -U flash:w:Blink.cpp.hex:i
>>> and you should be able to watch Avrdude upload the sketch and verify it.
++++++++ Oh Yeah, and this is my first post done completely on my Rapsberry Pi 2 in the picture!!!! A little slower than I'm used to, but works great!!! +++++++
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